I was a person who constantly felt small and I couldn’t believe that the Lord would have an encounter with me. All I wanted was to love God but I just couldn’t. I was convinced He was very unhappy with me since I couldn’t wait upon Him. I believed every lie the devil told me. This mindset was there for about 10 years and I stopped reading the Bible. Since I thought God wasn’t pleased with me, I tried to please everybody else so I could feel good about myself but it got to a point when everything seemed so frustrating. I got immersed in social media and secular songs just so I could keep my mind off things. I knew my joy was being eaten up but I couldn’t stop. I became dull with no hope. What happened at the Life is Christ Ministries’ meeting was something I never imagined even in my dreams. I registered just to please my family and I guess that was the best decision of my life. My eyes were opened, my concepts were broken. God took me to a place where I’ve never been before, a place where His love flowed in abundance. I saw my God for who He is. His love, power and glory have no boundaries. It just flows endlessly. And that’s when I fell hard for Him. So desperate that if it was a human receiving that kind of love, you would call it madness, clingy love. But I was sure my God wanted such an intense, intimate romance with Him. And now, a few minutes without Him makes me feel parched. I need to sit in His presence, scream out my praises to Him because He deserves my everything and read His word so He could reveal his secrets to me. I can’t get enough, I want to taste more of His love, His joy until my mind becomes a very duplication of His mind. We have this awesome Christ living in us. Let us not put Him in a box, He can do anything, give you experiences like never before! It took Him a day to pour that kind of love into my heart. I thank God for dear Rennet, Tabitha and Jonah for being open vessels, allowing His anointing to flow freely and abundantly to people. God bless you with His love, joy and peace!
– Talitha | March 25, 2020