Reviving Nations

God has spoken to us about going to different parts of the world and bringing the fire of revival. We achieve this by going in-person on mission trips, Television broadcasting, and Social media.

Mission Trips

Ushering in the mighty move of the Holy Spirit to revive nations is our God-Given Vision. By the grace of God we have seen lives transformed in the Middle-East, India, Cyprus, and UK through the power of the Holy Ghost. Typically we plan trips as led by the Spirit and expect God to do the miraculous. Our Goal is always to preach the gospel and God confirms it with His signs and miracles. We also sow financially and materially to bless people and ministers

Social Media

through Facebook and YouTube Media and also with our own Church App we could reach many people from other parts of the world too
Mobile App: Life is Christ Ministries(available both for apple and android)